Many of you have probably heard about the tragically ironic death of Jimi Heselden, the owner of the Segway company, who died at the hands of his own creation.
British police say they believe Mr. Heselden died while testing an all-terrain equipped Segway and lost control and drove the machine off a cliff near his estate in Leeds.
First of all my condolences to his family and friends, death is never easy. But at least he died doing what he was passionate about so theres that. And, I feel horrible but I cannot stop laughing at this story not because death is funny but because this is the mental image I get when reading the story...
FYI that is not Jimi Heselden in the picture, that would be in even more poor taste than this blog already is.
RPI Jimi Heselden, may you be riding a Segway on the clouds now.